Sunday, April 19, 2009

one year of unproductivity

Today, this site has been up for exactly one year. Over 2,000 visits in less than a year. Folks checking this site out from Iran, China, and Grenada, among other places. Wow, thanks all for stopping by!

It's been a fun diversion for me. Not sure how much I'll be able to commit to this in the future as the real world requires more productivity. Then again, I think diversions are a good release.


Anonymous said...

A year with any blog makes you one in a million. Congratulations.

I like the a-ha one best so far.

Unknown said...

hey happy ist yr. anniv bro! keep em crankin' coz we're the only two left doing mashups in the entire wwweb(my friends rhenzo and djodyssey stopped doing it).

Unknown said...

the only two pinoy mashup artists to be exact.(as far as posting in the net is concern)